Enhance the high-speed measurement capacity of existing or future technical platforms and facilities

Enhance the high-speed measurement capacity of existing or future technical platforms and facilities

Enhance the high-speed measurement capacity of existing or future technical platforms and facilities and maintain a level of technical excellence through the acquisition of new equipment

Acquiring more cutting-edge equipment while maintaining high-speed data acquisition will allow us to expand measurements currently restricted to the heavily instrumented in situ sites and ensure large-scale data collection.

IN-SYLVA-France includes the following main fields of data analysis:

  • Data collection processes to characterise the physico-chemical and anatomical properties of wood.
    • To screen forest genetic resources for molecules of interest in bio-economy,
    • To develop new selection criteria in genetic improvement programmes focusing on wood quality (ex: mechanical properties measured on standing trees, saccharification rate important for bioethanol production),
    • To better understand how wood is formed depending on genetic, silvicultural and environmental factors.
  • Genotyping and sequencing technologies (with support from the research infrastructure, France-Génomique, to ensure equipment reliability) to guarantee the traceability of forest reproductive and reafforestation material produced by the networks
  • Data chains of isotopique analyses carried out on soil and wood samples, for C and N but also for the major cations, to describe the flux of elements among compartments and track the fate (itineraries) of organic matter depending on silvicultural treatments (C storage/ “4 per 1000” initiative)
  • Soil mineralogy data chains to characterise the properties of clays (essential in soil fertility along with organic matter) based on a large number of samples.