Databases / Information systems

Databases / Information systems

Databases / Information systems
Main Characteristics
Quercus Portal

Databases of genetic and genomic resources for the Quercus genus.


Pinus Portal

Databases on genetic and genomic resources for the genus Pinus.



Multi-species information system dedicated to plants of agronomic interest and harmful fungi

The system links genetic and genomic data, and provides access to genetic information (genetic maps, quantitative trait loci, genetic association, markers, polymorphisms, germplasm, phenotypes and genotypes) and genomic data (genomic sequences, physical maps, genomic annotations, etc.) as well as expression data for species of agronomic interest.



BAOGREFF: DataBAse with Origin of Genotypes and Research Experiments in the Forest by FCBA (including AFOCEL)

Genetic material tested (more than 40,000 references)

Experimental sites (3,000 sites, 2 million trees)



CNPF experiments database

The CNPF has been conducting experiments in private forests for more than 50 years to evaluate silvicultural techniques, compare species, and test silviculture in a variety of soil and climate conditions.

The data from the recording experimental sites are consolidated in a single national database called ILEX. This database includes both complex experimental sites and simple experimental sites. All the information concerning setting up and monitoring the experiments is stored, as well as any information that may help to understand subsequent results. This includes all the information on the location of the site, the site description (topography, soil, flora, ...) and the experimental design. All individual measurements can be stored, regardless of the variable measured. Similarly, plantation procedures, soil work and silvicultural operations are described and dated. Finally, a diary of any damage that occurs to the experimental site is kept in order to better identify any possible interference with the performance measured.

In order to facilitate the management of the tests, a site manager and a monitoring status is assigned to each esperimental site. All tests are classified according to topic and network.  ILEX is therefore a management tool that makes it possible to store data, share them within the CNPF, and monitor the results of the devices through tables and graphs.



Database of the INRAE forest experimental sites

The GIDE database (Gestion Informatisée des Dispositifs Expérimentaux) was designed to list all the INRAE long-term forestry experimental sites. The GIDE database provides a view of the main metadata for each experimental site. This database has restricted access. It uses to contribute to the In-Sylva France information system.

Website: restricted access


Documented cartographic data describing environmental factors and forest potentialities available on the internet.



Tropix-web is a web application that enables users to access CIRAD's WOOD database. This application is an evolution of the Tropix 7 software (under Windows). 

The Tropix database currently lists the characteristics and technological properties of 292 tropical species and 17 temperate species. Tropix-web is intended for all those involved in the timber industry in the North and South who need information on the properties and technological behavior of wood, and on its uses: companies involved in the production, processing, marketing and installation of tropical (and temperate) woods, contractors, architects, as well as research and teaching establishments (botany, forestry, wood science and technology), and institutional bodies.

The needs expressed by these stakeholders are permanent and recurrent, given that the sources of data and information already available in this field are often very scattered and fragmented. 

Tropix software has been widely distributed and appreciated in the South, particularly in Central Africa, and continues to be so, notably in the context of locally-organized training courses. The launch of the Tropix-web application gives our partners in the South wide, free access to Cirad's data on tropical woods.

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