Data Access Charter

Data Access Charter

General principles

Sharing information and federating existing experimental data-management Information Systems are two of IN-SYLVA France’s main objectives.

IN-SYLVA France provides added value by:

  • Introducing a formal common core with a Data Access Charter in an Open Data framework (in compliance with the Lemaire law of October 2016). Rules of use are defined through a CC-BY-type license (Creative Commons with acknowledgement of sources). User traceability occurs a posteriori through citations and DOIs,
  • Developing a common data management plan (from data collection to publication) and its implementation by Services,
  • Creating a management layer for distributed-architecture Information Systems,
  • Creating a single portal to inform of Services and give access to distributed resources,
  • Systemising semantic references and standards,
  • Ensuring compatibility with data from third-party Information Systems (data related to bio-climate, environment, soil use, land-use management)
  • In-situ experimental site access charter

Duration of the data embargo

Data that is not subject to special limitations (excluding, for example, private finances, personal data…) will be available to users involved in the related projects as soon as the acquisition and conservation phases have been completed. However, if the producing institution wishes to keep exclusive rights to their data for internal promotion, they can request an embargo of up to 2 years after the end of the research project; this request must be justified (ex: on-going thesis, analysis of time series…). A Data Access Charter in an Open Data framework (in compliance with the Lemaire law of October 2016) sets forth rules of use defined through a CC-BY-type license (Creative Commons with acknowledgement of sources). User traceability occurs through citations and DOIs.