GIS Poplar

GIS Poplar

GIS Poplar : GIS Poplar experimental network
Coordination : INRAE Centre Val-de-Loire, Orléans, 45075, France;
236 sites still active in the database, spread throughout France, covering an area of 348 ha.

Parcelles expérimentales installées par le GIS Peuplier, depuis 2004 (88 sites)

Experimental plots installed by the GIS Poplar since 2004 (88 sites)


The experimental network of the GIS "Genetics, Improvement and Protection of Poplar" (GIS Poplar) includes all the "genetic" experiments installed and managed by the founding members of the GIS: INRAE (previously INRA and Irstea) and FCBA. These experiments study the behaviour of a wide range of genotypes (pure or hybrid species) with respect to the main bio-aggressors (pathogens, insect pests) as well as their agronomic behaviour (phenology, vigour, shape, etc.). The results from the network make it possible, at the end of the selection process, to register new varieties in the national register of basic material, complying with the specifications of the technical acceptance regulations or to check, for the health context and pedoclimatic conditions in France, the behaviour of varieties from other institutes.

The experiments are defined and planned by the executive committee of the GIS Poplar, then are managed directly by the constituent bodies of the GIS. Some plots are therefore likely to appear in several networks, depending on the organization of the databases of each partner.

Services offer
  • Behaviour trials on the main pests under more or less controlled conditions (laboratory, nursery, field): Melampsora sp. rust, Leaf browning, Canker, Woolly aphid,
  • Growth in nursery, growth phenology (budburst, growth arrest, leaf removal), in contrasting (or even controlled) pedoclimatic conditions,
  • Planting growth (vigour, architecture),
  • Access to samples (leaves, wood).

GIS Poplar is managed by:

  • For INRAE:
    • UMR BioForA, Centre Val de Loire, Ardon site (45)
    • UMR IAM (équipe ECPF), Centre Grand Est - Nancy, Champenoux site (54)
    • UE GBFOR, Centre Val de Loire, Ardon site (45)
    • UE UEFP, Centre Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Bordeaux, Cestas site (33)
    • UR EFNO, Nogent-sur-Vernisson Centre (45)
  • For FCBA: Biotechnologies and Advanced Forestry Cluster (BSA) de FCBA, based at Charrey-sur-Saône (21), with the support of technicians in the Institute's territorial delegations (Cestas, Limoges, Grenoble).
Operations and data acces

The aim of the GIS Poplar experimental network is to evaluate the agronomic performance of any new material created by the GIS Poplar in different environmental conditions representative of the French poplar-growing regions. The selection carried out on these performances makes it possible to offer poplar growers and industrialists new high-performance, diversified varieties adapted to the different pedoclimatic contexts in France and to different uses. It also contributes to a better knowledge of the characteristics of other varieties placed on the market by other national and European breeders. This information is used by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to draw up advice sheets for use by all professionals. The network provides numerous research projects with quality data and samples and is likely to provide researchers and foresters with well-documented support on other topics. This is made available within the framework of a formal agreement (consortium agreement for a research project or specific agreement for a specific study).

Data access and cost

Variable according to demand

Available measurements

Meteorological station for some devices