REGEBLOC (Regeneration blocking) Network

REGEBLOC (Regeneration blocking) Network

REGEBLOC (Regeneration blocking) Network
Coordination : Champenoux, 54280, France

The REGEBLOC network, initiated in 2017, aims to understand why natural regeneration can fail and to test silvicultural solutions that remove constraints on regeneration such as competing vegetation, soil impoverishment, ungulate browsing or canopy closure.

The REGEBLOC Network currently comprises 4 siteswith plots where natural regeneration has been blocked: 3 sites in oak stands and 1 site in a fir-spruce-beech stand. Other sites located in mountain areas are under discussion.

At each site, mutiple factors are considered: edaphic constraints (compaction, soil water logging, presence of thick humus), development of competing vegetation, presence of ungulates. These factors are controlled by implementing different methods of mechanized site preparation and by installing enclosures; control plots with no treatment enable comparisons. All the treatments are repeated 4 to 6 times at each site.

The different stages of regeneration are monitored: seed production, dispersal and viability, germination, seedlings survival and growth. The amount of light transmitted by the stand, the development of competing vegetation and plant consumption by herbivores are quantified annually in the first few years.

Services offer

The data collected from all the sites are centralized and available for use in collaborative projects.


The network is coordinated by the Pôle Renfor Silva UMR (INRAE Nancy). The experiments are monitored by the various network partners (INRAE, ONF RDI department, FCBA, IDF-CNPF, Société Forestière, Groupe Coopération Forestière) depending on the geographical proximity of the teams. The different partners also ensure links with land owners and managers.

Operations and data access

The network's experimental sites are open to other research teams within the framework of their research projects  or in more formal collaboration (collaborative projects or research agreements). The sites are also open to teachers and trainers for all levels of training.

Access unit and cost

Cost determined according to each project

Available measurements

No particular facilities