PRESEN (Research Platform in Environmental Sciences)
Chemical analysis platform for environmental matrices

Rouen Normandie University, Mont Saint Aignan Campus, Bâtiment Blondel

Coordination : Ecodiv EA 1293 / FR CNRS Scale 3730 (Rouen)

Website Presen 

The PRESEN multi-site platform is composed of 6 technical platforms which aim to mutualize and optimize the equipment of the constituent laboratories of the CNRS 3730 SCALE research federation in the field of environmental sciences; this mutualization is intended for scientists, industrialists and institutions. The scientific equipments, the related facilities and the laboratory sites of PRESEN are located within the laboratories and the experimental sites managed by the following research units : UMR CNRS M2C (Rouen site and Caen site), EA ECODIV (Rouen site), UMR CNRS LOMC (Le Havre site), UMR INERIS SEBIO (site : Le Havre)/

The six platforms are:

  • Physical analysis of environmental matrices
  • Chemical analysis of environmental matrices
  • Microbiology and molecular ecology
  • Microscopic analysis and cytometry
  • Mesocosms and experimental plots
  • Mobile technical platform and equipment of workshop sites

Within the framework of IN-SYLVA France infrastructure, only the services of the chemical analysis platform carried by EA ECODIV are proposed.

Services offer

The PRESEN platform provides the scientific and industrial community with the know-how and expertise of a multidisciplinary team and state-of-the-art scientific equipment. The scientific laboratories offer various services depending on the technical platform.

There are several options for the chemical analysis of environmental matrices:

  • The equipment is made available to the applicant after training and support in the use of the equipment. The users are responsible for their analyses.
  • The platform's team carries out all or part of the analyses required for the applicant's project. The service includes the analysis with or without sample pre-treatment under standard conditions or when the development is minimal.
  • The platform offers advice and expertise at each stage of the studies carried out, ranging from sampling strategy to the interpretation of results.
  • Partnership and collaboration contracts can be established for the realization of projects.

The platform of chemical analysis of environmental matrices, for the part directed by the Ecodiv laboratory, proposes the realization of chemical analyses of water samples, soils and biological materials resulting from natural environments, mesocosms, microcosms and laboratory experiments for the quantification, among others, of C (total, organic), N (organic, mineral), metals and mineral elements, ionic species, cationic exchange capacity of soils.

Operations and data access
Data access and cost

See the website