



More than 4,000 ha of forest experiments
1 site includes several treatments
A network of IN-SYLVA France infrastructures includes several sites spread over the whole territory (regional - national). The objective is to multiply the pedo-climatic conditions to test the panel of treatments.




Forest genetic resources


10 sites, 25 genotypes of Eucalyptus tested

GEN4X Network

INRAE genetic tests. All types of devices from the arboretum to the clonal test: 80 species, 1,000 sites, 82 departments, 2,000 ha.

Network of Scientific Arboretums

6 sites, 310 tree and shrub species

White Oak Genetic Resources Network

23 sites in Europe of which 4 in France (116 provenances tested)

GIS Poplar

236 sites, 348 ha

IFV  Evaluation network

76 sites, 4 species, 82 ha

GRAL Network

4 sites, 4 species - reciprocal transplants along altitudinal gradients

FCBA Network

1000 sites, 20 species - silvicultural experiments and genetic resources

RDI ONF Network

560 sites, 25 species- silvicultural experiments and genetic resources


130 sites, France and Europe, 1 main specie - three experimentation areas: genetics, silviculture and adaptation

CNPF Network

2000 sites, 100 species over the whole territory

Network of mixed species plantations

French mixed species plantation network: ORPHEE and ORPHEE-SO trials (Treedivnet) and Formix network - 2 trials

Stand Renewal and Silviculture

ALTER Network

9 sites, 4 species - Site preparation modalities

PILOTE Network

13 sites, 4 species -  Technical itineraries for planting


4 sites, 2 species - Vegetation and wildlife control

FCBA Network

1000 sites, 20 species - silvicultural experiments and genetic resources

RDI ONF Network

560 sites, 25 species- silvicultural experiments and genetic resources


130 sites, France and Europe, 1 main specie - three experimentation areas: genetics, silviculture and adaptation

CNPF Network

2000 sites, 100 species over the whole territory

LERFOB Network

56 sites, 32 departments, 210 ha


Multi-species Tropical Forest Plantations (including native forest)

TmFO Network

24 experimental sites - tropical rainforest logging

GIS Coop

185 sites, 7 silvicol systems, 7 plots installed since 20 years, all over the national territory

Logging Network

27 sites -  impact of partitioning and logging

INRAE EFNO Nogent Silviculture Network

7 sites, 5 species - silvicultural management including mixed stands

INRAE Cedar Silviculture Network

Semi-permanent plots and experimental silvicultural sites concerning a single species: Atlas Cedar.

Ecosystem services: Soil, Forest-Ungulates interactions

EFFORT Network

3 sites, 2 species - Wildlife pressure control

FOI Network

Forest Ungulates Interaction - 4 experimental sites

MOS Network

18 sites, 3 species, 4 modalities/specie, 36 ha

Amendment Network

30 sites, 6 species, 120 ha

Douglas-BGC Network

11 sites, 1 specie, 20 ha

15N Network

20 sites, several counries - introduction of tagged litter