Logging Network

Logging Network: Experimental Network - forestry and environment

Network's name
Logging Network: Experimental Network - forestry and environment
Coordination : FCBA, Primary Processing and Procurement Cluster, France
Network description

This network is structured in 2 subsets:

  • Monitoring of the hydric evolution of the soils under skid trail system, known as EFFORTE sites in the Grand Est, Bourgogne Franche Comté and Centre-Val de Loire regions.
  • Monitoring of the harvest of additional compartments composed by logging residus, particularly the so-called GERBOISE sites spread throughout France.

The EFFORTE network consists of 10 sites in lowland hardwood forests. On each site, the volumetric soil moisture is recorded on the partitioning and in the uncirculated wooded band at different depths: 2 sites are instrumented for continuous moisture data collection and on the 8 other sites the data are collected manually at different times of the year..

The GERBOISE network comprises 17 sites mainly in deciduous forests. It is a collaborative network. Data were collected before and after harvesting operations within the framework of the GERBOISE, DEFIFIFORBOIS and MACOBOIS projects by several organizations (ONF and INRAE). They concern dead wood on the ground before and after harvesting, stand characteristics, trees harvested and their mineral element content and soil characteristics.

Services offer

The EFFORTE network allows us to understand the hydrous behaviour of soils and partitions that concentrate the circulation of vehicles. This monitoring focuses on the evolution of humidity over time in well-characterized situations (+/- disturbed), in weather and vegetative conditions that change over the months and seasons. The data collected are used to calibrate a partitioned water transfer model.  This network is implemented for the duration of the project (2017-2019).

The GERBOISE network feeds the observatory of wood energy harvesting practices and aims to provide field operators with recommendations and advice on practices for harvesting additional compartments (especially logging residus) in terms of both fertility and biodiversity.


Le réseau est géré par l’équipe PTA Approvisionnement de FCBA qui possède plusieurs implantations territoriales (Limoges, Bordeaux, Grenoble et Dijon). L’équipe PTA Approvisionnement bénéficie en outre de l’appui d’un statisticien (Champs-sur-Marne).

Work description

On EFFORTE sites, data is collected regularly at a rate of 2 days per survey campaign and per site outside the installation.

On GERBOISE sites, data collection in the field represents 20 man-days and takes place before, during and after harvesting operations.

Access unit and cost

Variable depending on demand


2 EFFORTE sites are equipped with humidity sensors with continuous recording

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 12 June 2018 | By: Emmanuel Cacot (FCBA) - Juin 2018