White Oak Genetic Resources Network

White Oak Genetic resources Network: Network of sessile and pedunculate oak provenances

White Oak Genetic resources Network: Network of sessile and pedunculate oak provenances
Coordination : INRAE-ONF sites in contrasted pedoclimatic conditions

From 1989 to 1996, 4 provenance tests were carried out, mainly in the northern half of France, in various pedo-climatic conditions. These tests concerned a large number of selected stands and French conservation units and inclued other European provenances (107 sessile oak and 17 pedunculate oak provenances for a total of 116). These provenances are also included in a European network of 23 sites in 6 countries, including sites where warmer and drier climatic conditions will be the future norm, thus exposing them to a wide variety of pedo-climatic conditions. Each provenance is represented by 10 to 15 plots. Each plot has 24 plants. The spacing between plants is 3 x 1.75 m for 1,904 plants/ha. At each site, survival rate, circumference, height and shape are recorded. Plant health is monitored regularly. The data collected will make it possible to describe how genetic variability is structured, to establish rules for selecting seed stands and transferring populations for reforestation operations, and to evaluate the behaviour of these populations in new climatic contexts.

Services offer

The network provides technical knowledge on the genetic resources of sessile and pedunculate oaks and their response to climate. These experimental sites are well identified and characterized (stand types, site conditions, silvicultural regime, history) and can also support complementary studies or research on themes other than those that led to their initial establishment. The data collected from all the sites are centralized and available for use in collaborative projects.


The network is managed by INRAE-UMR Biogeco and the ONF Research, Development and Innovation Department.

Operations and data access

The Network’s sites are open to researchers from other teams within the framework of formal collaborative projects or research agreements in order to help to answer research or technical development questions. The sites are also open to teachers and trainers for all levels of training. Other access needs are discussed on a case-by-case basis.

Data access and cost

Costs determined according to each project


Data paper

Ducousso, A., Ehrenmann, F., Girard, Q. et al. Long-term and large-scale Quercus petraea population survey conducted in provenance tests installed in France. Annals of Forest Science 79, 26 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13595-022-01141-z

Information and data described in this data paper are accessible at the open repository (https://doi.org/10.15454/838U9L) and searchable at the oak provenances database at https://oakprovenances.pierroton.inrae.fr/.The database is searchable online with no identification required, using different menus. Access to files containing all descriptive data (sites, provenances tests, trees, phenotypic assessments and traits measurements), interventions and measurements carried out on each site as well as climatic data require registration and authentication (https://oakprovenances.pierroton.inrae.fr/data).