Materials and molecules from plants

Materials and molecules from plants

Platform name

Materials and molecules from plants

Web site:

Place: Cirad - UR BioWooEB - Montpellier, France



The work carried out on the valorisation of plant biomasses and transformation process co-products in the form of bioproducts relies on equipment and testing facilities specific to each area of expertise (process engineering, materials science, chemistry and biochemistry, environmental assessment). The biomasses studied are mainly tropical and temperate woods, biocomposites and processing co-products. Resources are divided between five laboratories: Physical and mechanical characterization, Wood durability and protection, Extractions and biochemical analyses, Biocomposites, Machining and preconditioning centre.




1) Physical and mechanical characterization

Physical and mechanical characterization tests (destructive testing) can be carried out on wood, wood-based products, biocomposites and other woody plants (coconut, bamboo, etc.). The platform also has a laboratory dedicated to non-destructive testing (NDT): performance qualification requires knowledge of a large number of characteristics that are often time-consuming and costly to measure. The associated NDT methods are available at three levels: acoustic vibration analysis, ultrasonic measurements and near infrared spectroscopy.


2) Wood durability and protection

The platform has laboratories and conditioned rooms (temperature and relative humidity), meeting the requirements of current standards, for carrying out durability tests and evaluating the effectiveness of various wood and wood-derived material protection systems.


3) Extractions and biochemical analyses

Analyses relate to the extraction and characterization of macromolecules (cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin), which make up the bulk of the chemical composition of plant biomass, as well as the low molecular weight molecules present in the so-called “extractable” fraction, which give each wood species its natural uniqueness.


4) Biocomposites Laboratory

This laboratory is dedicated to the valorisation of agro-forestry residues and by-products to produce biocomposite materials (insulating panels, particleboards, dense and thick materials, as well as thin materials such as films) with various functional properties depending on the intended application. It essentially comprises equipment for formulating and shaping these materials, which can, if required, be machined at the machining centre. The physico-chemical, mechanical and thermal properties of the biocomposite materials developed are then evaluated.


5) Machining and preconditioning centre

The machining centre can process logs, trays or planks, either to standard specifications or on request, to produce wood specimens for testing in the various laboratories (physical, mechanical, chemical and natural durability). The machining centre is equipped with the machines required and adapted to the different machining phases of the tropical and temperate woods studied.




The laboratories are managed by three permanent technicians with different specialties. In parallel, the research unit's Plant Materials and Molecules team offers scientific expertise in wood materials and composites (6 researchers):

We regularly welcome international students and researchers.


Access conditions


Research and development projects involving the platform must be discussed with a BioWooEB unit scientific advisor prior to submission, in order to determine the technical organization of the project (staff time, schedules, protocols, processing, costs). All contacts must be made by e-mail: . You will then be directed to a contact person with whom you can discuss and present your scientific project and your expectations of the platform. You will receive an opinion as to the feasibility of your project, as well as an estimate of the cost and time involved. The start of the project is conditional on your formal acceptance of the estimate by sending the validated document to the referent. In the event of technical impossibility, the platform will, wherever possible, propose alternative solutions to applicants from other infrastructures better able to meet the demand.

For all eligible projects, the BioWooEB unit undertakes to provide trained and competent staff, to offer high-performance, well-maintained equipment, to provide technical assistance and scientific expertise, to carry out analyses or train users to do so, to keep users informed of the progress of the project and to help them make the most of their data.


Access unit and cost


The rates offered by the platform depend on the analyses and expertise required (agent time, consumables and equipment maintenance). For each project, an estimate will be sent to you, specifying costs and lead times. Commencement of the project is conditional on formal acceptance of the quotation in accordance with the conditions set out therein.




Densitometry: 0.001 mm comparator, 1 mg balance and dry oven. Measurement of saturated volumes by water displacement (Archimedes' principle). Estimation of density and infradensity.

Drying shrinkage and FSP: Comparator at 0.001 mm, balance at 0.001 g, climatic chamber and dry oven. Estimation of total linear drying shrinkage by measurement of saturated and anhydrous specimens. Estimation of Fibre Saturation Point (FSP) by measuring specimens at different moisture stabilization levels.

Wood conditioning chambers and rooms: Most technological tests on tropical woods and biomaterials must be carried out on samples with stabilized moisture content (standardized conditions). The moisture content of the material depends on the temperature and relative humidity of the ambient air. To ensure this stabilization of samples, the platform is equipped with:

* Three rooms controlled for temperature (20°C +/- 2°C) and humidity (65% +/-5%), enabling large sample volumes to be stabilized under standard climatic conditions (moderate temperature and relative humidity ranges).

* Three 100-liter climatic chambers in which more extreme conditions can be maintained than in the conditioning rooms.

* Two dry ovens for anhydrous samples.

Universal testing machine: Electromechanical device (Force - Displacement) for static testing up to 100 kN capacity. Standardized characterization tests: static bending strength (NF B 51-008), axial compression (NF B 51-007), hardness (NF B 51-013). Specific tests available on request.

Pendulum impact tester: Mechanical device for dynamic testing up to 150 joules. Standardized dynamic bending characterization test (NF B 51-009).

Spectro-colorimeter: Datacolor 400 colorimeter for chromatic coordinate measurements (CieLab L*a*b*), sample colour analysis, quantification of aging effects.

Non-destructive testing:

* Determination of the elastic and viscoelastic properties of wood, wood products and materials by acoustic resonance analysis.

* Acoustic evaluation of the mechanical state of solid wood elements used in a structure.

* Measurement of mechanical properties using transmission ultrasounds (50 kHz to 2 MHz).

* Near infrared spectrometry (laboratory and portable): Analytical technique based on the principle of absorption of infrared radiation by biological matter. As this absorption is linked to the chemical composition of the sample surface (solid or powdered wood), this technique can be used to estimate the content of chemical compounds and the physico-mechanical properties of wood.

* Acoustic and ultrasonic tomography: quantitative transmission imaging of standing trees. Characterization of mechanical state and detection of internal defects.

Termite breeding rooms: Climatic chambers where temperature and hygrometry conditions are controlled to maintain termite breeding.

Mushroom breeding rooms: Climatic chambers where temperature and hygrometry conditions are controlled to ensure the maintenance of lignivorous mushroom strains.

Evaporation tunnels: Device for accelerated ageing of wood samples prior to biological testing in accordance with EN 73.

Quantitative determination of extractables: Soxhlet extractions using different solvents (depending on their polarity), either successive or not.

Macromolecular chemical composition: Quantitative determination of hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin contents.

Mineral element analysis: Analysis of mineral elements (present in wood, plant biomass, leaching water, etc.) by MP-AES (Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry).

Standardized analyses:

*Moisture content

* Volatile matter content

* Fixed carbon content

* Ash content

* Elemental analyses: Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen content

Joinery workshop: Traditional joinery machines, sawing equipment with carriage for short logs up to 30 cm in length, for sawing planks and wood disks. Small machines for small-scale testing. Various grinders and sieving devices.

Gluing room: Veneer presses for making glued laminated panels and beams, to test the strength of the various glues supplied by manufacturers.

Dryer: Artificial air-conditioned hot-air dryer with a capacity of 3 m3, consisting of heating coils (electric resistance) and humidification ramp. The dryer is used to set drying tables for different types of lumber.

Thermo-press: 100T heated hydraulic press for 50 x 50 cm panels, with different moulds adaptable to produce panels or sheets (a few mm thick), thicker objects (3-4 cm thick) and films (100-500 µm thick).