RDI ONF network

RDI ONF Network on technics and forest genetic resources

RDI ONF Network on technics and forest genetic resources
Coordination : Département RDI, Fontainebleau, 77300, France ; sites répartis en France métropolitaine

Map of active experiments of the RDI ONF network - in addition to 410 completed experiments unshowed on this map.


Since its creation in 1986, the ONF's Research, Development and Innovation Network (RDI) has installed some 700 experimental plots in public forests, 20% of which are included into IN-SYLVA France partnership networks. The other 80% correspond essentially to simple experiments (1 to 2 factors tested, with few repeat campaigns) set up in plantations or in naturally regenerated stands. These experiments concern various technical subjects related to forest management (choice of species/provenances, stand renewal and management techniques, soil management, etc.).

The trials mainly concern the main commercial forest species growing in public forests:Quercus, Fagus, Pinus, Abies and Picea.

The oldest trials were often set up to answer local questions.Then a shift towards multi-site network experiments on management issues at a national scale occurred: for example, the beech juvenile silviculture network (13 sites), the network to evaluate water-saving silviculture practices (4 sites), the "Giono" assisted migration network (3 sites), and networks comparing cedar (6 sites in northern France) or larch (5 sites) provenances.

The RDI Network also includes original schemes such as the ICIF exepriment in the Ardennes to test new forest biomass production trajectories with ash recycling, or the plot in the Val de Marne to compare maritime pine provenances. The monitoring results obtained from these trials and networks support the choice of silvicultural regime in public forests.

Services offer

The actively monitored experiments in this network are subject to regular dendrometric measurements (generally every 3 to 5 years), the data most commoly collected being size, total height and the health status of the sample trees. Periodic inventories in naturally regenerating stands also take place. Other measurements are added depending on the purpose of the study.

The teams are working to harmonize experiment data files based on a common dictionary of measured variables and standard measurement protocols.

For each experiment, the team in charge writes and updates an installation report including the experiment monitoring protocol, produces measurement reports and contributes to the development of the tests (production of technical documents, technical tours, etc.).


The network is coordinated by the ONF's Research, Development and Innovation Department, in close collaboration with the territorial RDI centres, , which carry out the experimental monitoring, update the data files and enhance the value of the tests, according to a distribution that takes into account the geographical proximity of the teams and the topics covered.

Operations and  site access

The experimental sites are open to other research teams within the framework of their research projects  or in more formal collaboration (collaborative projects or research agreements). The experimental sites sites are also open to teachers and trainers for all levels of training. Other access needs are discussed on a case-by-case basis.

Data access and cost

Variable according to demand, with a case-by-case analysis of extra costs for data formatting.


Free access data sets :

Deleuze, Christine; Richter, Claudine; Fournier, Salomé, 2024, "Comparison of species and provenances of fir, pine and cedar in the RDI-ONF network (Couchey- AR AR 1993_17_01)", https://doi.org/10.57745/IRIP73, Recherche Data Gouv, V1

François, Didier; Deleuze, Christine; Richter, Claudine; Fournier, Salomé, 2024, "Dendrometric tree characteristics from the RDI-ONF experimental network (Luxeuil - AR 1999_16_01) on juvenile beech stand management (Fagus sylvatica)", https://doi.org/10.15454/E8JIEM, Recherche Data Gouv, V1

Available measurements

No particular facilities.

Maps of active experiments of the RDI ONF network - in addition to 410 completed experiments unshowed on this map.